Title: A Caravan of Camels – Naqab ( Negev )
Duration: 12 hours
Traveling distance: 90.4 Kilometers
From: Naqab
To: Naqab
The Saga[1]: A Full day tour in Naqab ( Negev) From northern to the southern Borders of 1948 Meeting Bedouin tribes and learning about the Politics of Desert and its dwellers and taking a glimpse on culture and traditions of the Arabian Desert.
Meals, Beverages & Snacks: All Inclusive
Accommodation facility type: N/A
Terrain & Climate type[2] : Desert climate, Rocky mountains, sand
Min. # of participants[3]: 18
Traveling methods: Driving, Hiking
This tour also includes: Guardian of the desert guide, Guardian of the desert hosting site, A/C bus from/to designated city Comprehensive briefing on most issues involving Bedouins in Naqab(Negev) , first aid, off-road emergency vehicle, meals by Bedouin communities
Cost per traveler[4]: 136 USD
[1] A full detailed itinerary/travel program will be emailed to you upon registering and prior to your donation. [2] Please dress according to the climate and terrain mentioned to avoid hurdles [3] For a custom # of travelers please continue to our custom travel planner [4] BWB is a not-for-profit organization So all the proceeds from its activities will be treated as donations and will help support local Bedouin communities focusing on women and children ( if practicable). Keeping in mind the sensitivity and vulnerability of the community’s culture restrictions and norms. Leave your Bedouin host a gift if you like, but make sure you don’t offend them by paying for what they believe is a norm! Don’t worry, through your contributions BWB departments will compensate and reward your hosting parties directly, and preserve this intangible Bedouin culture.