Bedouins without Borders (BWB) acknowledges that there are some attempts for mapping Bedouins in the west bank and almost no attempts to tackle Bedouin issues in Gaza strip.
BWB believes that no tangible cure to threats facing Bedouins in the region can develop without a comprehensive and through mapping process that allows for continuous monitoring and documentation.
Surveying and physical mapping will lead to better research and understanding of Bedouin communities’ needs and necessities and promotes improved solutions and interventions.
Build a statistical database about Bedouin/Semi-Bedouin communities in the West Bank (number of gatherings, locations ,links of kinship ,population, types of housings , gender , infrastructures, health conditions, economical situation, grazing lands , culture and heritage…etc.)
Provide comprehensive and detailed data to assist in anthropological, ethnographic studies and research among other studies that will lead to enhanced and complete understanding of cultural,health, legal, political and economical aspects of Bedouin communities.
Identifying, assessing and prioritizing needs and necessities through reports, studies and research based on data collected
Mapping implemented in to two stages:
First Stage:
collecting of all existing data related to Bedouins from governmental and non- governmental bodies
The Bedouin network ALFURSAN ( THE CAVALRY)
Archiving data in data base
Analyzing collected data
Inception/evaluation report
Second Stage:
Build form based on first stage finding to reach a full and comprehensive survey
In-depth interviews, stressing certain indicators (sex, age, income….etc.)
Visual documentation on selected cases
Analytical situation report
BWB targets Bedouins that exist in the selected area; BWB recognizes two population categories:
Nomadic Bedouins: Palestinian communities that depend on semi-nomadic herding and agriculture, semi settled due to Israeli occupation ban of movement and land confiscations.
Semi-nomadic Bedouins: Palestinian communities mainly settled in rural areas depend on traditional rural agriculture and herding, sharing the same cultural and heritage characteristics with Bedouins, in addition to partial semi-nomadic herding and agriculture.